Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Right or Left brained?


Find out if you're left or right brained


Michael S Anglesey said...

Who cares what direction she's turning....I was too distracted by the naked chic!

Michael S Anglesey said...

Looks like she's going back and forth to me. Guess I'm both brained.

Krista said...

She is naked. When I first opened it up, she was turning counter-clockwise, but as soon as I glanced away, she switched to clockwise and I couldn't get her switched back. So then I read the stuff, and I closed my eyes and opened them, and she was still going clockwise. And she was still naked.

Shelli said...

First gland, counter-clockwise, I read the stuff on the side and glanced back, she was clockwise. Then she returned to counter-clockwise and stayed that way.
Would they have done this with a naked man? I don't think so.

Shelli said...

I mean first glanCE, not gland.

Michael S Anglesey said...

Mammory gland, Shell?

Krista said...

Still clockwise. What kind of dancer is she? (I don't need an answer)

Chelsea Lynne said...

I am confused, she turns both ways...was it necessary for her to be naked?

trev said...

She's not naked. She is celebrating her birthday in her "suit". Besides, it could be a guy wearing a costume to look like a girl. Could be Mike dressing as Kristi, or Dad dressing as any number of people as he has in the past. And by the way, definitely clockwise. It was hard for me to get it to go the other way. But most of the stuff there made more sense to me to be left brained

Craig D. Anglesey said...

Sorry about the naked Lady, I didn't think about it. It's anatomical!